Tips and thoughts about France from an 18 year-old Laura

Today I spent the majority of the day cleaning out the other half of my room with my mom and throwing out even more old school work. One of the papers I found was a questionnaire that my high school French teacher made my classmates and I fill out about our trip to France, the following are my responses. Keep in mind I was 18 years-old and didn't know as much about France as I do now.

  1. What did you enjoy most about the trip? Exploring France and learning more about the country and their culture.
  2. What did you like the least? The first hotel in Paris (it was a pretty crappy hotel to be completely honest. I had half a tub with a hose that forced you to kneel down to take a shower).
  3. What do you wish you'd known before you left? That some hotels don't have elevators or the elevator doesn't work.
  4. What advice can you give to next year's group? Pack light and be prepared for the unexpected. Also drink lots of water!
  5. How much did you spend on lunch? About 12 euros.
  6. List prices of any items you can remember. Small water bottle: 3 euros.
  7. What did you need that your forgot to bring? An extra umbrella (because I lost mine in Paris on the first day).
  8. What did you take that you didn't need? Extra jeans and shirts.
  9. Best memory: Seeing the Mona Lisa.
  10. Best monument: The Eiffel Tower at night.
  11. Best gift: Being in France with two of my best friends.
  12. Best food: Nutella crêpes.
I think in the advice I should have written "don't take the most obnoxious scarf you own" and also "don't be shy practice your French while you're there." Good thing I offered my brother better advice when he went on his EF tours trip this past July.

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