- The hotel we stayed at was the Omena Hotel (Colbjørnsensgade 5-11). It was super modern and not fairly inexpensive for Copenhagen standards. It's located about 2 minutes from Copenhagen's Hovedbanegård train station (free wifi at McDo!) and conveniently placed in an area where there are lots of restaurants. The thing that makes this hotel unique is the fact that it has no keys! Yes, no keys AT ALL. You get your code emailed and sent to your phone and once you get there you just have to enter it to get inside the hotel, to get to the "lobby" area, to reach the elevators, and once again to get into your room. The hotel has cameras everyone so don't even think of giving someone else your code. The room was extremely clean and big, and so was the bathroom. The rooms have a fridge in case you want to stock up on waters or want to buy fruit. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone traveling to Copenhagen. Oh, and there's free wifi! Granted it wasn't the best but it does help when researching places to go.
- The Danish krone are worth less than the Swedish krona but things are a bit more expensive in Copenhagen than in Malmö. 1€ = 7.44 kr so 100 kr is roughly about 13€. Some tourist shops accept euros and many stores have the euro equivalent on the tags so you know exactly what you're spending.
- Just like the Swedish, Danes speak PERFECT English and everyone we encountered (including a homeless man asking for money) spoke English.
- Copenhagen is the most bike friendly city so if the weather permits rent one of the public bikes. I didn't get the chance to since it was raining and the bikes are only out on certain seasons but I know you get your money back when you return the bike so basically it's like using a bike for free.
- Public restrooms cost money, usually 2 to 5 kr.
- The Danes really know how to do sales. Forget the soldes, 75% off is the way to go! Check out Østergade and Vestergade, both those streets have amazing stores. MTWTFSS Weekday is a great store which reminded me a lot of Urban Outfitters. There's also Cheap Monday store in Copenhagen. And if you're like my boyfriend and like Nudie jeans you can find them at various stores here.
- To check out the music scene in Copenhagen check out the Drone Bar (Nørrebrogade 184).
- Another bar that I would recommend is Beduin (Skindergade 20) which is a pretty nice hookah lounge.
- There are 7-Elevens EVERYWHERE in Copenhagen! Get a hot dog from there but also make sure to stop at one of the many hot dog carts and get one. Go hot dog crazy! They are pretty good.
- The buses are easy to figure out in Copenhagen and fairy inexpensive but the best way to get around is by walking. Everything you need to see is nearby plus you'll need to work off all the hot dogs and Danish pastries you might eat.
- Danes are extremely nice so don't be afraid to ask them for help or suggestions. PS. Don't try Danish food, that's was one of the advice we got from a fellow Dane.
If you have an iPhone, iPod touch, or Android download the foursquare app because it will become your best friend during your trip. I didn't have 3G while I was there but it works just fine with wifi, so take advantage of foursquare and look up restaurants and other places to check out. Yelp on the other hand does not work in Denmark.
I also just received my tripod so expect to see more vlogs in the near future! I decided I'm going to be vlogging for the whole entire month of March so be on the look out for that and if you want to see specific things in Paris feel free to leave it as a comment below and I'll try my best to show that in a vlog.
I also just received my tripod so expect to see more vlogs in the near future! I decided I'm going to be vlogging for the whole entire month of March so be on the look out for that and if you want to see specific things in Paris feel free to leave it as a comment below and I'll try my best to show that in a vlog.
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