Blog Posts
I will my best to have one blog post a week. This can be either written by me or Orlando, or a guest blog post. The blog needs to be more consistent so I will be writing blog posts about everything from the visa process to beginning to look into immigrating to France. I will also try my best to get out of my comfort zone and explore the few French things that can be found in San Diego.
Guest Blog Posts
2013 was the first year that I had people become interested in writing guest posts for the blog and I was really happy about that. There's so much I can write so it's great to hear another person's opinion about traveling or studying abroad. There's now a contribute page on the website which explains how you can write something for the blog. Heads up, you will not be compensated on the blog post. If you want to write something you will be doing so in hopes to help people. Writing a blog post for us is as simple as coming up with an idea and emailing us to discuss it. You may also choose to submit a video for our channel!
YouTube Channel
In case you didn't know I launched a De San Diego à Paris YouTube channel in 2013. The channel is now home to all the videos I filmed in Paris, as well as new videos. I film 5 minute videos about studying abroad. So far I've done videos about student discounts, Ryanair, and the things I learned while studying abroad. There will be one video a week on that channel! I am hoping that this channel will be a great resource for future study abroad students as well as great addition to the blog. If you'd like to film a video just email us. All you would need to do is send me the raw file so I can edit and upload. The information for that can also be found in the contribute page.
I will be more active on our social media pages such as Twitter and Facebook. I will be posting articles about Paris and France, as well as some random things. I just want to be able to interact with my readers even more. You can also feel free to contact me on either social media platform. I know a lot of students have messaged me on both Twitter and Facebook regarding study abroad. I am more than happy to help you with anything! And unlike your study abroad advisers I will always be available to help.
I've had the blog since 2011 and I can't believe that I've never done a giveaway here. I plan to do a giveaway sometime in the June or July and include things that will be helpful for students prior to departing to study abroad. The giveaway won't be big since this is a pretty small blog, but I still want to thank those of you that have been with me since the beginning and those who just discovered the blog.
I've also given the blog a brand new makeover! Everything from the banner to Facebook has changed to a more simple logo. I really loved how everything turned out and I hope you like the new look as well. :-)
These are just some of the things I plan to do in the blog. I am very excited 2014 since I hope to be able to help even more people this year.
What are you excited for? Let me know in the comments below.
Bisous !

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